Our Program


The North West Regional Palliative Care Program

The North West Regional Palliative Care Program (RPCP) is responsible for supporting access to high quality palliative care across the Northwest. The RPCP strives to create an integrated and coordinated palliative care system for everyone. Regardless of the care setting, individuals and their families will receive care that is person-centred, sensitive to diversity and culture, supportive of an interprofessional team approach and close to home. The RPCP uses a community capacity building approach where existing strengths and resources within community are built upon and stronger relationships are created amongst care providers.



The North West Regional Palliative Care Program was established in 2015. The program is led by St. Joseph's Care Group and funded by the Ontario Health North and Ontario Palliative Care Network. The program has the mandate to oversee the implementation of the North West Regional Palliative Care Plan , and the Ontario Palliative Care Network Palliative Care Action Plan

  • To advise the Ontario Health North on system planning and performance in alignment with provincial direction.

  • Prioritize and implement local priorities for delivery of Palliative Care in alignment of provincial direction.

  • Develop and implement plans to improve the quality of palliative care within the region.

  • Create and strengthen cross-sectorial partnerships to set priorities and build a consistent system that ensures coordinated care.

  • To link providers working in communities with regional palliative care experts for extra consultation and support when caring for individuals with complex needs.


Program Structure:

St. Joseph's Care Group is the appointed lead organization of the North West Regional Palliative Care Program.

The Governance Structure of the RPCP includes accountability to the Ontario Palliative Care Network, St. Joseph’s Care Group, Ontario Health North, and an Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee guides the program, consists of partners across the Northwest and setting of care.   


Jill Marcella, Manager
Marielle Dysievick, Community Development Lead
Sherri Henderson, Telemedicine Nurse Consultant
Darlene Forrester, Program Secretary
, Performance Improvement Lead
Valerie Jensen, Clinical Co-Lead (multidiscipline)/Regional Clinical Coach
Elizbeth Adduono, Regional Clinical Coach

Dr. Kevin Bezanson, Clinical Co-Lead (Physician)